everyday matters challenge #31
everyday matters challenge #32
everyday matters challenge #33
everyday matters challenge #34
everyday matters challenge #36
everyday matters challenge #38
everyday matters challenge #39
everyday matters challenge #40
everyday matters challenge #42
everyday matters challenge #43
everyday matters challenge #45
everyday matters challenge #46
everyday matters challenge #47
everyday matters challenge #48
everyday matters challenge #49
everydaymatters challenges #50
50 Draw your home's entryway and journal your thoughts and feelings about homecoming.
49 Draw your refrigerator interior (and contents) or exterior (and what's on the door)
48 Draw something that represents your new year's goal or resolution
47 Draw a challenge from the past year 1-46 that you didn't try before
46 Draw something holiday themed (Hanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, winter solstice)
45 Draw your medicine cabinet (the inside of it)
44 Draw an animal a pet, a zoo animal, a stuffed one
everydaymatters challenge #44
43 Draw something china or ceramic
42 Draw something you are thankful for
41 Draw a landmark of your city every day matters challenege # 41
40 Draw something with folds
39 Draw your toothbrush
38 month long challenge until end of November 2005 draw at a museum
38 Draw something related to Halloween, All Souls Day, Dia de los Muertos, All Saints, etc.
37 Draw some keys everyday matters challenge 37
36 Draw out in public
35 Draw a bicycle or a part of one everyday matters challenge #35
34 Draw a fall leaf
33- Draw an eye
32 Draw something metallic
31 Draw something you collect
30 Draw a chair or anything else you feel like. everyday matters challenge #30
29 Draw something architectural or anything else.
28 Draw an appliance or anything else you like.
27 Draw a book or anything else you want.
26 Draw anything you like. If you want to draw a vegetable, that's fine, too.
25 Draw a glass (the kind you drink from)
24 Draw a piece of fruit
23 Draw your foot
22 Draw a piece of clothing
21 Draw something old, antique or vintage
20 Draw something Dad in honor of Fathers Day
19 Draw something you've made
18 Draw the view from a window of your house, apartment, office, etc.
17 Draw a musical instrument
16 Draw a favorite tool
15 Draw a tree or trees, leaves or branches
14 Draw what you see in the morning when you get up
13 Draw your telephone (land line, cell, old-fashioned?)
12 Draw what you ate for dinner
11 Draw your glasses or sunglasses
10 Draw your hand or hands (or someone elses if you like)
9 Draw a bit of organized chaos your messy desk, your table stacked with books, etc.
8 Draw your watch or other piece of jewelry
7 Draw a bottle, jar or tin from the kitchen everyday matters challenge #7
6 Draw your favorite well-loved object
or a childhood toy everyday matters challenge #6
everyday matters challenge #6 version2
5 Draw your bed everyday matters challenge #5
4 Draw your mug or cup Everydaymatters challenge #4
3 Purses, Wallets or Bags
2 Draw a desk lamp or other lamp everyday matters challenge #2
1 Draw a shoe